What is The BlackGIRL Project?

My dissertation employed a critical participatory action research framework to study the manifestation and impact of colorism on Black adolescent girls.

Over six weeks, ten adolescent girls served as my co-researchers, and together, we developed a research protocol, collected data, and produced a Zine to distribute our findings to stakeholders.


We wanted to understand:

1) Manifestation

Where and how do Black Girls experience colorism?

2) Impact

How are Black girls impacted by colorism?

3) Resistance

How do Black girls resist and cope with experiences of colorism?

The Result?

The Dark Skin Girls & Colorism Zine describes how Black girls experience, resist, and cope with colorism.

Hear what we did in their voice.

See it for yourself.

Let’s Collaborate.

Interested in collaborating on a project with The BlackGIRL Project? Let’s chat.