The Diversity Science Initiative

I am the founder of The Diversity Science Initiative and continue to serve as an advisor to the current DSI leadership. I look forward to bringing similar initiatives to institutions across the globe!

About DSI

The Diversity Science Initiative is a student-led initiative aimed at furthering diversity science training and collaboration among doctoral students and faculty in psychology doctoral programs across the Graduate Center at CUNY.

Words from our members.

  • "DSI is the hidden gem of CUNY and has truly been one of the highlights of my graduate training. From the community to the research support to the excellent panels, every aspect has helped me advance my understanding and conceptualization of a diversity science and become both a better researcher and (I hope) a better human."

    Alexandra, Ph.D. Candidate in Psychology

  • "DSI created a warm and loving space within academia for me, which is invaluable! I am so grateful to be a part of the DSI community."

    Sydney, Ph.D. Candidate in Psychology